Mobile Apps & Cards We Accept Mobile Apps & Private Label Cards We Accept
We are pleased to announce we have started the roll out of DebiCheck, an improved secure debit order option! DebiCheck replaces traditional debit order (ACB) functionality on all Nexion Payment Links. Traditional debit order remains available, but only on Nexion Standalone. The role out will happen over the next few weeks, and you will be […]
Nexion is excited to announce that we have added to our existing online payments options. Up until now Nexion links emailed to patients only allowed for 3D-Secure online card payments accepted master card and Visa credit/cheque cards. With the expanded Nexion Online Payment links, link recipients will be able to pay using: Zapper app Masterpass […]
Nexion functions as an online receipt book for all payments made at or to a medical practice. For clients using an integrated billing system – payments post automatically to patients record. Efficiency eliminates multiple manual tasks and minimizes clerical errors. – Processing, receipting and posting a payment is one easy step as opposed to a […]
We at Nexion are proud to announce the launch of an exciting new function called 3D-SECURE, allowing your patients to pay their account with you online. We are expecting to start rolling out this new function to all Nexion clients by the end of this year, initial trials with selected clients have been extremely well […]
Nexion on-line receipt book provides complete control of your cash flow. Replace your regular credit card facility with a comprehensive cash-flow management tool. Nexion receipts all your payments – not just card transactions, provides innovative tools to optimize cash flow, and generates detailed reports, making reconciliation effortless and efficient Nexion is a digital receipt book, […]
Nexion’s single system relieves the administration, cost and risks of managing client payments. Busy professionals who spend hours every day managing client payments can cut this down to minutes and gain full control over their cash flow, thanks to a new innovation from pointofservice payment system provider Nexion. Nexion’s single system relieves the administration, cost […]
Cash Flow – an issue that is only discussed when there is not enough of it – or when there is a suspicion that everything is not well – be it a growing age analysis or writing off large amounts at the end of the financial year. The subject of Cash Flow Management has become […]
Integration gives 700 practices a closed loop payments system Health Focus, one of the country’s leading healthcare practice management systems, has been integrated with South African developed Nexion, providing a single system for accepting, processing and reconciling all forms of payment to medical practitioners. As a result, Health Focus’s approximately 700 Eminance users can for the […]
Having streamlined the cash flow and accounts administration of 100 medical practices. since inception in 2006, Nexion has entered the healthcare mainstream following its integration with SA’s major practice management software packages – Health Focus, Med-e-Mass and GoodX. Integration with top packages wrests control over cash flow from medical funds Having streamlined the cash flow […]
Unlock the cash tied up in multiple traditional accounts receivable systems. Local payment software innovation Nexion is allowing increasing numbers of GPs to improve their cash flow position, by reducing the cost of collecting receivables. Unlock the cash tied up in multiple traditional accounts receivable systems Local payment software innovation Nexion is allowing increasing numbers […]