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Nexion introduces new secure debit order option – DebiCheck.

We are pleased to announce we have started the roll out of DebiCheck, an improved secure debit order option!

DebiCheck replaces traditional debit order (ACB) functionality on all Nexion Payment Links. 
Traditional debit order remains available, but only on Nexion Standalone.

The role out will happen over the next few weeks, and you will be notified when it’s activated for the practice.

If you like us to prioritise you for activation, please give us a call, 0861 NEXION (639 466).

  • What is DebiCheck?
  1. DebiCheck is an updated debit order facility launched by banks to reduce high failure rate of traditional debit orders. Account holders can no longer reverse debit orders claiming no authority. After clicking on the DebiCheck option on a Nexion Payment Link:
    • Account holders will be asked to enter their bank account details on the Nexion debit order registration screen.
    • Then, confirm authorization when their banking app sends the notification on their mobile phone, locking in the mandate to debit their account. 
    • Nexion will email a receipt showing instalments, instalment dates to all parties – and reports will show status Mandate Approved.   
  2. Instalments will pay out on statement date for each instalment.
  3. In case of an instalment failing for insufficient funds, DebiCheck will retry the debit order for up to 7 days depending on the amount of the instalment, and statement date on Nexion reports will increment accordingly.
  4. You have the option determining the maximum number of instalments you will allow accountholder to select when authorizing a debit order – maximum of 18.
    You have the option determining what debit date your patient can pick when authorising a DebiCheck transaction:
    • Account holder can set first instalment debit order for – Next day
    • Account holder can set first instalment debit order for debit date within next 30 days or
    • Account holder can set first instalment debit order to go off on the last day of the current month
  5. Payment can be made in full or up to 18 installments. You can set the maximum number of installments when generating the link.
  • Why and when is DebiCheck useful?
  1. DebiCheck prevents your patient from going to their bank and reversing a successful debit order, improving debit order success rate.
  2. DebiCheck can be used for recurring treatments.
  3. A Debit order with a set monthly payment plan is more beneficial than waiting for your patient to EFT every month eliminating monthly follow-up calls.
  • When a patient requests payment arrangements to pay overtime.
  • When a patient was unsuccessful with their Instant Finance application.
  • To be paid by DebiCheck – Send your client a payment link on Nexion with debit order option selected

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